【受付終了】icp travel week モニターツアー 参加者を募集中!

概要 / Overview


The Izumisano City Promotion Partership will conduct monitor tours where you can experience a project that combines bicycle rental with the experience already sold for inbound customers. Departing from JR Hineno Station or Nankai Izumisano Station, we offer 3-4 km cycling and popular experience programs. Please check our website for details on each experience. After the experience, please fill out a simple questionnaire. Since you will be cycling in the winter, please bring comfortable clothing such as gloves and a windbreaker. In the event of bad weather such as rain or snow, only cycling will be canceled and you will be required to walk or use public transportation.

企画、日程、集合時間・場所 / Date&Plan, Meeting times & locations

1. 26-Jan, Sun, Strawberry picking, 10:00 at Hineno st. いちご狩り、日根野駅集合
2. 27-Jan, Mon, Tea ceremony, 10:00 at Izumisano st. 茶道と和菓子つくり、泉佐野駅集合
3. 28-Jan, Tue, Strawberry picking, 10:00 at Hineno st. いちご狩り、日根野駅集合
4. 29-Jan, Wed, An experience like no other Samurai, 12:30 at Izumisano st. 居合道、泉佐野駅集合
5. 30-Jan, Thu, Industrial tourism, traditional local towel making, 13:00 at Hineto st. SDG’sタオル工場見学、日根野駅集合
6. 31-Jan, Fri, Sumo restaurant, 12:00 at Izumisano st. 相撲レストラン、泉佐野駅集合
7. 1-Feb, Sat, Sumo restaurant, 12:00 at Izumisano st. 相撲レストラン、泉佐野駅集合

参加費 無料 / Participation Fee Free

交通費3,000円支給 / Transportation expenses 3,000 JPY provided

企画について / About Plans

*SDG’sタオル工場見学(Industrial tourism, traditional local towel making)

日本タオル製造発祥の地、大阪府泉佐野市は、明治20年にタオル製造を開始し、長らく地場産業として地域経済の発展に貢献してきました。しかしながら、近年では安価な外国産品の流入により市場を奪われ衰退の一途をたどっています。このような時代の逆風に抗い、小さなタオル製造会社がSDG’sを経営目標に掲げ、地域の環境や歴史文化に寄り添い、環境に配慮したタオル製法を構築し、国内外から注目を集めています。 https://smileyearth.co.jp/

Industrial tourism that connects the history and future of Izumisano’s traditional local towel manufacturing” Tour around the history and future of towel manufacturing”
Izumisano City, Osaka Prefecture, the birthplace of Japanese towel manufacturing, began manufacturing towels in 1889, and has long contributed to the development of the local economy as a local industry. However, in recent years, the market has been taken over by the influx of cheap foreign products and the industry is in decline.
In response to the headwinds of the times, a small towel manufacturing company set SDG’s goal and developed an environmentally friendly towel manufacturing method that is in tune with the local environment, history and culture. It is attracting attention both domestically and internationally. https://smileyearth.co.jp/

募集人数 / Number of people recruiting


申込締切/Application deadline

2025年1月10日(金) / Jan 10th(Fri.), 2025

*受付は終了いたしました。Registration is now closed.

当選通知 / Winner notification


After the strict lottery, we will promptly notify the winners by email.

最終案内 / Final Information


We will inform you of details about the meeting time, location, and what to do in case of rain approximately one week before the experience date.

主催者:泉佐野市 / This event is organized by “Izumisano City”